- +30 countries
- 35 years of experience
- $bns of transaction
- +30 countries
- 35 years of experience
- $bns of transactions
About Us
Moti Frenkel, CPA
Founder and Manager

Moti Frenkel, CPA, is a seasoned businessman, with over 30 years of experience, who currently owns and operates a financing consulting firm, including Eurofin Services Ltd. Before founding the consulting firm, Mr. Frenkel served a top executive or director in various Israeli listed companies, where he was responsible for business development and global expansions. Over the years, whether in the companies he served or the companies he founded, he was involved in financing of various sectors, from real estate to energy, from agriculture to consumer and off-course technology companies. The $bns financing transaction he was involved with, included debt financing from financial and other institutions, grants and debt from governmental agencies (the U.S. federal agency OPIC – now DFC, the French AFD, the German KFW, the Asian ADB and others), fund raising for projects and companies.

Eurofin Services Ltd.
Eurofin Services Ltd is a newly formed company, by its founder Moti Frenkel, CPA. It was launched to adopt new financing strategies of various kinds. Eurofin specializes in all categories of private companies financing and brings to its clients the full benefit of decades of years of experience. The company and its predecessor JVCRE, have been involved in hundreds of financing deals of all sorts, from obtaining grants through debt financing and fund raising. Eurofin expertise is structuring complex financing solutions, as was successfully executed after the financial crisis in 2008 and currently in the technology companies’ sector. It is the intention of the company and its founder to continue to adopt newly forms of financing techniques, as some are being brought to the market by innovative Fintec companies.
most probably from commercial banks. Short term credit facilities are mostly based on the operation of the borrower, with covenants related to the operation. It is usually aims to assist the borrower with its working capital financing, allowing better allocation of capital.
most probably from government agencies. Grants or quasi grants are usually connected to specific issues, the granter wishes to promote. The majority of the efforts are to fit to the grant’s criteria and in most cases it also involved with a high level of bureaucracy.
or commonly knows as fund raising, comes in all sorts and shapes. For startups it’s the most common mean of financing, especially at early stages. On advanced stages, the equity financing is dominated by the private equity funds (or VC funds when it involves technology companies).
includes all means of debt or hybrid debt that are not considered short term credit facilities. Its an evolving sector with new and advanced features, to adjust to complicated business situations. Structuring an efficient debt structure for a business, involves more efforts than other means of financing, mainly because of its long term nature and the fact that it requires to handle known and unforeseeable risks.
in technology companies. Since equity financing is the most common element of financing of technology companies and since we deal with only private companies, the use of secondary transactions of already raised equity, is a crucial factor for these companies. This is where financial transaction, not directly related to the companies, affect their operation and long term stability. Therefore, we see secondaries as an invadable part of financing.
Contact Details:
Kfar Bilu
Israel 7696500
Phone : + 972-52-2439705
Email : motif@eurofin.co.il